British Motorcycle Club of Tasmania
Join the BCMT
If you are interested in joining the BMCT then please use the form below to submit your application and the Club Secretary will get back to you as soon as possible.
For those in the South we hold general meetings / gatherings on the last Wednesday of the month at the Derwent Sailing Squadron (DSS), 23 Marieville Esplanade, Sandy Bay commencing at 7:30PM (or from 6:00PM if you want to join in on a meal prior to the meeting)
For those in the North we hold a social gathering on the second Wednesday of the month at the Cock’n’Bull British Pub, 50 Wellington St, Launceston commencing at 6:30PM
Apply using the form below:
All new membership applications are subject to approval by the BMCT Committee prior to acceptance of the new member.
New membership fee $55.00 Renewal $40.00 on 1st February each year.
New members joining after 1 December will automatically receive membership for the following full year.
BSB: 807-009
Account: 5110 1523
Use your surname only in the reference field for identification